Allied Museum publications
Exhibitions are taken down, but the printed page lasts. On this page you can learn about the publications we produce to accompany our temporary exhibitions, in particular. All our publications are trilingual in German, English, and French.
In collaboration with authors and designers, we publish informative, readable, and handsomely produced booklets and books. Most of them are lavishly illustrated and contain many rare, previously unpublished photos. You can purchase Allied Museum publications on site from our museum shop or by sending an e-mail:
An Allied Museum for Berlin

Documentary of the Exhibition “They’ll Always Have a Suitcase in Berlin. The Western Allies and Berlin 1944–1994”, Summer 1995.
Edited by the Allied Museum being founded, Berlin 1995, EUR 3.00
“Every Object Tells a Story.”

The Exhibition Magazine, Autumn 1996.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 1996, EUR 3.00
Pioniere der Luftbrücke

With an essay from Daniel Harrington.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 1998, EUR 3.00, this publication appeared only in German and English. The English edition is out of print.
Past and Present

50 Mementos Recall the Western Allied Presence in Berlin, 1945–1994.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 1998, EUR 7.00. Out of print.
“Let Berlin be Next.“ George Bush and German Unification

The Telephone Conversations of U.S. President George Bush and Chancellor Helmut Kohl (October 23, 1989 – October 3, 1990), publication to accompany the exhibition, 10 November 1999 to 13 February 2000
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 1999, EUR 3.00
This publication is available only in German and English.
2+4=1. The international Agreement on German Unity

Publication to accompany the exhibition, 23 September 2000 to 14 January 2001.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2000, EUR 3.00
The Link with Home – and the Germans Listened In

The Radio Stations of the Western Powers from 1945 to 1994, publication to accompany the exhibition, 30 September 2001 to 17 February 2002.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2001, EUR 5.00
„Wir fühlen mit den Opfern! Bitte entscheiden Sie besonnen.“

A Publication of the Allied Museum to commemorate the first anniversary of September 11, 2001, Berlin 2002
Out of print
Le Musée des Alliés de Berlin ou Berlin et la liberté préservée (1945–1989)

Actes du colloque tenu à la Fondation Singer-Polignac, Paris, le 29 novembre 2002.
Publié par Helmut Trotnow et Florian Weiß pour le Musée des Alliés, Berlin 2003, EUR 3,50
This publication is only available in French.
Vive Berlin! A Focal Point of German-French History. 1945–2003
Publication to accompany the exhibition, 31 January to 31 July 2003.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2003, EUR 5.00
A Museum Landing: The Biography of the Hastings TG 503

Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2003, EUR 3.00
Mission Accomplished: The Military Liaison Missions of the Western Forces in Potsdam from 1946 to 1990

Publication to accompany the exhibition, 26 March to 31 August 2004
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2004. Out of print.
Berlin 1945: A Private View

Photographs by American, British and French Soldiers, publication to accompany the exhibition, 3 May 2005 to 4 September 2005.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2005. Out of print.
It Started with a Kiss: German-Allied Relations after 1945

Publication to accompany the exhibition, 21 October 2005 to 19 March 2006.
Edited by the Allied Museum, available in the Museum shop and in bookstores:
Jaron-Verlag 2005, ISBN 3-89773-529-6, EUR 5.00
“Talking with Visitors and Whatnot“.

U.S. General Lucius D. Clay and his Berlin Residence 1945–1949.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2006, EUR 5.00
“Ist ja fantastisch!“ The Story of the Berlin Spy Tunnel

Publication to accompany the exhibition, 27 April to 24 October 2006.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2006, EUR 10.00. Out of print.
Mit der Schulklasse ins AlliiertenMuseum

Lehrerinformation mit Quizbogen.
Konzeption und Texte: Uta Birkemeyer unter Mitarbeit von Friedrun Portele, Berlin 2007, EUR 3,00 oder kostenloser Download
This publication is available only in German.
Tear down this wall

U.S. President Ronald Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987, Publication to accompany the exhibition, 29 June to 20 December 2007.
Edited for the Allied Museum by Helmut Trotnow and Florian Weiß, Berlin 2007, EUR 10,00
Von Flugzeugen, Spionen und Boxhandschuhen

Mit Babette, John und Mary auf Zeitreise im Alliierten Museum. Quizblock zum Rätseln, Diskutieren und Malen. Diese Publikation ist nur in deutscher Sprache erschienen.
Konzeption und Texte: Uta Birkemeyer, Berlin 2008, EUR 3,00 or free download.
This publication is available only in German.
Making of … The Men and Women of the Berlin Airlift 1948/49

Publication to accompany the exhibition, 27 June 2008 to 27 September 2009.
Edited for the Allied Museum by Helmut Trotnow and Bernd von Kostka, Berlin 2008, EUR 5.00
Marion S. Coleman. An American in Berlin, 1946–1953

Publication to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition at the former Tempelhof Airport, 25 April to 7 June 2009.
Edited for the Allied Museum by Helmut Trotnow and Florian Weiß, Berlin 2009, EUR 1.00
Die Berliner Luftbrücke. Ereignis und Erinnerung
Publikation zum gleichnamigen Symposion am 23. und 24. April 2009.
Für das AlliiertenMuseum herausgegeben von Helmut Trotnow und Bernd von Kostka, available in the Museum shop and in bookstores:
Frank & Timme Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur 2010, ISBN 978-3-86596-267-6, EUR 16,80
This publication contains the contributions to the symposium in the language in which they were originally presented.
Revisited. Standorte der Alliierten in Berlin. 2011

An Allied Museum calendar with photos by Mila Hacke, publication to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition, 24 September 2010 to 28 June 2011.
Edited for the Allied Museum by Gundula Bavendamm and Bernd von Kostka, Berlin 2010. Out of print.
Berlin: The British Perspective 1945–1990

The Windsor Park Seminar, transcript of the seminar of the same name, 1–2 September 2009, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park, London.
Edited by the Allied Museum, Berlin 2011.
This publication is available only in English.
Like a Tinderbox! The Berlin Crisis and the Construction of the Wall

Publication to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition, 12 August 2011 to 8 January 2012
Edited for the Allied Museum by Gundula Bavendamm, available in the Museum shop and in bookstores: Berlin Story Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-86368-025-1, EUR 9.80. Out of print.
Fair Play. The Allies and Sports

Publication to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition, 25 July 2012 to 8 April 2013.
Edited for the Allied Museum by Gundula Bavendamm and Corinna Schmidt, Berlin 2012, EUR 5.00

CD to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition, 24 May 2013 to 27 April 2014.
Edited for the Allied Museum by Gundula Bavendamm, Bernd von Kostka, Florian Pauls, Karsten Grossmann, includes a comprehensive booklet, Berlin 2013, EUR 10.00. Out of print.
Tempelhof Central Airport. The American Story

Author: Matthias Heisig
Publication to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition, 9 July 2014 to 19 April 2015, edited for the Allied Museum by Gundula Bavendamm and Florian Weiß, Berlin 2014 , EUR 14.90
Out of print
100 OBJECTS. Berlin during the Cold War

Publication to accompany the Allied Museum’s exhibition, July 15, 2016 to January 28, 2018, edited for the Allied Museum by Bernd von Kostka and Arno Helwig, available in the Museum shop and in bookstores:
Berlin Story Verlag 2016, ISBN 978-3-95723-109-3, EUR 14,95
The Americans in Divided Berlin. Searching for Remnants in the Southwest of the City

Appeared in the series “Historic Places“. Edited for the Allied Museum by Arno Helwig, in cooperation with Bernd von Kostka, Luisa Taschner and Florian Weiß, available in the Museum shop and in bookstores:
Ch. Links Verlag 2017, ISBN 978-3-86153-979-7, EUR 5.00
Two Plus Four: The International History of the Founding of the Berlin Republic

Volume 123, appeared in the series “Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte”. Edited by Tim Geiger (Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin), Jürgen Lillteicher (AlliedMuseum Berlin) and Hermann Wentker (Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin), available in the Museum shop and in bookstores:
De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2021, ISBN 9783110728019, EUR 24,95.