Airlifters in a row on the airfield.
Copyright: AlliiertenMuseum/Slg. Provan/Wenk

Blockaded Vic­tors – Divi­ded Ber­lin: 75 Years of the Air­lift

The division of Berlin began in 1948/49 with the events surrounding the Soviet blockade of the city and the airlift by the Western Allies. In the same city where the Allies—France, Britain, the Soviet Union and the USA—sealed the victory over Nazism, their fragile wartime alliance fell apart into the two Cold War blocs. The time of the blockade led to a final rift between the political camps and ushered in the split into East and West Berlin.

An exhibition mounted in three weatherproof pavilions on the forecourt outside the departure hall of Tempelhof Airport will treat topics such as the power structure after the war, the situation in Berlin, the living conditions of Berliners, the currency reform, the blockade, the airlift and the myth of the airlift that persists to this day.

Together, the Allied Museum, the Museum of Military History of the Bundeswehr at Berlin-Gatow Airfield and the Museum Berlin-Karlshorst recall this profound turning point in Berlin’s history seventy-five years ago.

Place: Forecourt outside the former departure hall of Tempelhof Airport (former Ehrenhof)

Price: Admission is free of charge.

Opening hours: The exhibition is accessible at all times.

You can find more information on the website of the Museum of Military History of the Bundeswehr at Berlin-Gatow.

AlliiertenMuseum/Slg. Provan
AlliiertenMuseum/US Air Force
AlliiertenMuseum/US Air Force

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