
The British and the Korean War

Talk by Dr. Grace Huxford

© IWM BF 10316


19–20:30 Uhr

The Korean War 1950-1953 was the first major armed conflict of the Cold War. Together with 25 other countries, the United Kingdom sent troops to fight on the side of the South Koreans under the flag of the United Nations. Dr. Grace Huxford, senior lecturer in modern history at the University of Bristol (UK) and author of the book The Korean War in Britain sheds light on the British involvement and on the remembrance of the Korean War in the UK.

The entry is free of charge.

The talk will be held in English.

The exhibition “DMZ- The Last Frontier of the Cold War” will be open before and after the talk.

This event is made possible with the support of the Berlin Historical Association e.V.

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